function calculateLoan(){
            let loanAmount = parseInt( document.getElementById("loanAmount").value )
            let months = parseInt( document.getElementById("months").value )    
            //before the very first month
            let remainingBalance = [loanAmount]
            let interestRate = parseFloat( document.getElementById("interestRate").value )
            //Keep track of interest payments 
            let interest = new Array()
            //Keep track of principal payments
            let principalPayments = new Array()
            //keep track of total interest
            let totalInterest = new Array()
            //Total Monthly Payment                                                          
            let totalMonthlyPayment = (loanAmount) * (interestRate/1200) / (1 -   Math.pow( (1 + interestRate/1200) , (-months) ) )
            //END OF DECLARATIONS***
            //loop will iterate for however many times the user declares in terms of months 
            for (let i = 0; i < months; i++) {
                interest.push(  (remainingBalance[i]) * (interestRate/1200)  ) 
                //principal payment
                principalPayments.push(  totalMonthlyPayment - interest[i]  ) 
                totalInterest.push( totalInterest[i] + ( (totalMonthlyPayment) - (principalPayments[i]) ) )
                remainingBalance.push( remainingBalance[i] - principalPayments[i] )        
            //Creating and inputting user data into the table
            let tBody ="";
            for (let i = 0; i < months; i++) {
                tBody += ` ${ i+1 }                                                                    
                                $${  (Math.round(totalMonthlyPayment * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) }             
                                $${  (Math.round(principalPayments[i] * 100) / 100).toFixed(2)   }          
                                $${  (Math.round(interest[i] * 100) / 100).toFixed(2) } 
                                $${  (Math.round(totalInterest[i+1] * 100) / 100).toFixed(2)   }
                                $${  (Math.round(remainingBalance[i+1] * 100) / 100).toFixed(2)   }
            document.getElementById("tBody").innerHTML = tBody
            //Monthly Payment
            document.getElementById("monthlyPayment").innerHTML = `$${ (Math.round( totalMonthlyPayment *100)/100).toFixed(2)}`
            //Bottom three outputs
            document.getElementById("totalPrincipalOutput").innerHTML = `$${(Math.round(  loanAmount  *100)/100).toFixed(2)}`
            document.getElementById("totalInterestOutput").innerHTML = `$${(Math.round(  totalInterest[months]  *100)/100).toFixed(2)}`
            document.getElementById("totalCostOutput").innerHTML = `$${(Math.round( (loanAmount + totalInterest[months])  *100)/100).toFixed(2)}`